On the surface, you have a powerful and feature-rich clan and community platform where you can post announcements, start events and share comments. That’s pretty much everything Steam can do. However, we’ve also added a photo album, where you can publish your favorite screenshots, funny pictures, and clan-match scoreboards.
Dig deeper into the service, and you’ll realize that every group announcement, event or picture you post will not only be sent to every member of your Gaming Rant group, but you’ll also be given the option to post it onto various social networking websites, such as Twitter and Facebook simultaneously. Now your group activity will never go unheard.
Better yet, there’s no restriction to how many gaming clans or communities you can create. Steam currently only allows for you to create 15 groups. Also, since no community should ever be the same, we’ve introduced a premium subscription service that adds one major feature to your gaming experience; full customization over your group via CSS.
Subscribers of this $5 a month service will gain full access to the CSS stylesheet, allowing full color, font, layout, background and format customization over your community.
This update will also introduce a new and very powerful blogging service, similar to Blogger.
You probably already know what blogs are, and are familiar with how they’re operated. With Gaming Rant, it’s more or less the same experience you’re already used to, combined with our Follow system for instant notifications, and our groups and communities. All in all, it’s a blogging service that focuses on social connection, and thanks to our directory and the introductory $75 in Google AdWords credit, we pretty much guarantee that your posts will be read, and since our blogs are fully compatible with external advertising services, and use advances search engine optimization techniques, our service makes it pretty darn easy for you to make an extra buck or two. Plus, it’s entirely free, and part of the overall package that is Gaming Rant.
We’ve created our own follow system!
Now, we’re not going to lie; this system has already been made popular on Twitter. However, we’ve greatly expanded upon the concept. See, instead of simply following a single person, like on Twitter, we’ve created a system that lets you follow virtually any social feature found on our website. Sure, you can still follow a single person and be done with it, but if you’re adventurous, you’ll also be able to follow your favorite blogs, your favorite clans or groups, your favorite RSS feeds from other websites, your favorite forum topics, and more!
So, lets say you like a blog, and want to be updated on when new posts arrive. You have the option of following the blog for new posts and updates, or you can follow the person who created the blog, and can see all of his or her Gaming Rant activities.
Pretty sweet, huh?
Be sure to leave a comment, we’re always interested to know what you think. 🙂