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Notice Regarding The Advertisements

Gaming Rant has recently joined a third party advertising program with the hopes of receiving more smart cookie-loving members.

However, we were unaware that the advertising party would place our website in pop-up, redirect and pop-under advertisements. Honestly, we just want a valuable and trust-worthy community of gamers, and do not wish to partake in intrusive advertising methods.

So, we would like to formally apologize to anyone who may have visited our website unintentionally. It wasn’t our intention to ‘trick’ you into visiting our website. I mean, we’re internet users, too. We’d absolutely hate to get redirected from one site to another.


We once again deeply apologize. We’re not trying to con you into joining anything, and you’re more than welcome to just close the window, or whatever you did that brought you to our website.


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Oh, thank god. There was tons of porn ads ;3


I was totally joking about that….. D: